Talent@TCC is a monthly event held in the Student Union Ballroom that allows students to showcase their various talents for their peers. Dancers, musicians, singers, comedians and artists are invited to sign up to perform.

Those interested in performing should send email to [email protected]. Please also check out our site http://www.talentattcc.com and The Talon instagram account: TCCTalon to view performances and find out more information.

All Talent@TCC events are held in the Student Union Ballroom from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Upcoming Talent@TCC events for 2019-20:

Sept. 11

Oct. 14

Nov. 6

Jan. 22

Feb. 12

March 4

April 15



Talent@TCC was formerly called Open Mic and was first started in 1998 by Shauna Smith, former Professor of Speech, who created it as a class project. It continues to be a popular on-campus event.