The Talon accepts submissions for opinion and art pieces. The Talon will consider pieces written on any topic, so long as authors meet all requirements. Anyone currently enrolled at Tallahassee Community College (including dual-enrollment students and single-class students) are eligible for submission.
How do I submit?
The Talon accepts submission by using this form. The Talon will not consider anonymous submissions or submissions written under pseudonyms. Authors will receive credit for their pieces.
What are the guidelines for submissions?
Student must submit their original work. The Talon will not consider pieces already published in print or online (pieces written for writing or English classes are exempt from this guideline). Submissions must have a minimum of 200 words and not exceed 600 words.
Are submissions edited?
Yes, we edit submissions for clarity and AP Style, fact-check, and sometimes trimmed to fit the space available in the newspaper. However, the opinions expressed are always the writer’s own.
Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Talon. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].