Article by Chyna Varner, Staff assisted by Asta Hemenway, Executive Editor

The Talon Market is a resource for Tallahassee Community College students that experience food insecurity. Food insecurity is when a person does not have certainty in their food sources. Talon Market offer necessities ranging from nutritional food and school supplies to feminine health products.

On the website of the Talon Market it is stated that the “2018 Food Insecurity report by the United States Government Accountability Office, says 30 percent of college students are food insecure. Of those 30 percent, 56 percent are working, and 75 percent already receive financial aid.”

Before the Talon Market, there was a small food pantry in student services. They would provide a week’s worth of food in a bag and it had anything that was available. 

Maria Santos, a case manager for TCC, recently hosted the grand opening of the Talon Market. She gives them advice and ensures that students are receiving their necessary food and supplies. Photo by Asta Hemenway, Executive Editor.

Talon Market is run by Maria Santos. She wants to change the entire way students receive food. 

“So before here’s a bag of cans we hope you like it. We’re not doing that anymore, now you come in get a green reusable bag and you shop with dignity,” Santos said.

Students can go into the Talon Market room and choose the free food that they want instead of having the food chosen for them. This way of donating food gives students a normal shopping experience.

Assistance with living does not only include feeding students but also finding a way to eliminate their food insecurity. Santos’ does not intend on a temporary fix, but she hopes to teach students how to maintain stability by providing employment opportunities or recipe ideas.

“You give a man a fish you feed him for a day,” Santos said. “You teach him how to fish you feed him for life.” 

The Talon Market is established on campus for more than just helping students in one area of their lives. The goals all come together to shape the community of TCC and this is an achievement Santos strives for when she began to manage the market.

“A food pantry is an amazing thing in it of itself, but to cultivate an environment on campus of empathy and understanding in community is something much bigger that is gonna come into fruition because of this market,” Santos said.

The Talon Market is located in the first floor of the Student Union Student Services room.

For more information on the Talon Market visit:

Or contact Maria Santos for assistance and questions at [email protected] or (850) 201-6124.