Kanye Releases Seventh Studio Album: TLOP Review
By Alec Palombo In case you’ve been residing under a rock, Kanye West has had himself an interesting six months. Between the Yeezy boost hype, calling Bill Cosby innocent, his beef with Wiz (and Amber) on Twitter, changing the album title three times, and the birth of his first son,Continue Reading
Four Peat: Future Continues Rap Domination With “Evol”
By Alec Palombo Seriously does this guy ever sleep? In the last calendar year, Future has released over six full length projects. The Atlanta rapper earned three number one albums in seven months, something that only the Glee soundtrack can say they’ve accomplished. “Evol” Is Future’s fourth studio album, comingContinue Reading
Rebellious Rihanna Releases Eighth Album “Anti”
By Angelique Fullwood “I’ve got to do things my own way darling. Will you ever let me? Will you ever respect me? No.” These lyrics from the opening song “Consideration” provides context of the overall theme of Rihanna’s eighth studio album “Anti”. While she has persistently rejected the idea ofContinue Reading
By Amenah Charani Muhammad Rasul moved to Tallahassee from Pakistan when he was 11-years-old. Rasul overcame discrimination when he moved to the U.S. and now uses his experiences to spread open-mindedness and acceptance throughout society. “I would like to make this world a more tolerant and nicer one,” said Rasul. “I would loveContinue Reading
“If you’re under 30, there’s no reason you should be emailing, ever.” “I am the great sorcerer. There is no match for me.” “HEY! Shut your mouth. Waffle House is obviously the best, alright?” “I’ll always remember my first pair of Jordan’s… Ahh.”
Islamophobia Spreads as Demagogues Take the Stage
By Elery Ostertag The world as we know it is rife with political and religious demagogues, espousing their particular ideology as the only truth. With a presidential election on the horizon and the threat of ISIS looming in the Middle East, these demagogues in the United States and abroad haveContinue Reading
Challenging the Pressures of College Success
By Sydney Selman High schoolers are subjected to pressure from schools and colleges setting ridiculously high standards and working students to death. I am a first year at Tallahassee Community College. This is my third semester at TCC and academically, things have been going great. Despite juggling six classes andContinue Reading
Grocery Shopping As a College Student, Easier Than You Think
By Alyssa Fort Some people may feel grocery shopping is really nerve wracking. It’s a task that is sometimes either put off or avoided altogether. Though, grocery shopping no longer needs to be avoided. Here are some tips that can help relieve the stresses of grocery shopping. Prioritize – OnlyContinue Reading
Simple & Hearty Sautéed Asparagus Recipe
By Alyssa Fort Ingredients: 1 pound of asparagus 1 onion 2 garlic cloves Olive oil Soy sauce or Maggi Liquid Seasoning Preparations: Rinse & snap off dry ends of aspargus. Chop onions and garlic and set aside. Directions: 1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. 2.Continue Reading